Other Relative Visas

Are you a relative of an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen seeking to join your family in Australia? Various visa options are available for certain other relatives, promoting family unity and enabling them to build a life together in Australia.

Aged Dependent Relative Visa

The Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclasses 114 and 838) is for elderly relatives dependent on an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen for financial support and daily care, allowing permanent residency.

Remaining Relative Visa

The Remaining Relative visa (subclasses 115 and 835) is for individuals with no close family members outside Australia who are the brother, sister, child, or step equivalent of an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen, allowing permanent residency with the sponsoring relative.

Orphan Relative Visa

The Orphan Relative visa (subclasses 117 and 837) is for orphaned children under 18 without parental care, allowing permanent residency with eligible relatives.

Carer Visa

The Carer visa (subclasses 836 and 116) is for individuals providing substantial and continuous care for a relative with a medical condition, allowing permanent residency with the care recipient.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must meet criteria including proving their relationship to an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen, meeting health and character requirements, and specific requirements for each visa subclass.

How We Can Help

Navigating other relative visa processes can be intricate. Our experienced team supports you through eligibility assessment, documentation gathering, and visa application lodgement, ensuring a successful process.

Start Your Journey Today

Contact us for a consultation and explore other relative migration options to Australia, bringing you closer to your loved ones.

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